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2022 HR Trends and Predictions from the Internet - Human Resources, Talent Acquisition, HR Tech, Remote Work

2022 HR Trends and Predictions - Human Resources, Talent Acquisition, HR Tech, Remote Work...

Aswin Raghav Rengarajan
Full-stack digital marketer and content creator
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As we embark on another year, we are optimistic on the technological developments and improvements on existing processes in the HR domain. Here in this article, we take a look at all the trends and predictions available on the internet for Human Resources, Talent Acquisition, HR Tech, and Remote Work in 2022.

In This Article

General HR Trends and Predictions for 2022

The Future of Work - A Journey to 2022 by PwC (report)

The Future of Work - A Journey to 2022 by PwC
The Future of Work - A Journey to 2022 by PwC

"Disruptive innovations are creating new industries and business models, and destroying old ones. New technologies, data analytics and social networks are having a huge impact on how people communicate, collaborate and work. As generations collide, workforces become more diverse and people work longer; traditional career models may soon be a thing of the past. Many of the roles and job titles of tomorrow will be ones we’ve not even thought of yet."

Learn more through the Future of Work - A Journey to 2022 report by PwC.

Future of Work Trends 2022 by Korn Ferry (report)

Future of Work Trends 2022 by Korn Ferry 
Future of Work Trends 2022 by Korn Ferry

"The last 24 months have changed everything. For businesses. For leaders. For employees. Now, as the dust settles, one fact becomes clear:

Power has shifted. From organizations to people. From profit to mutual prosperity. From “me” to “we”.

Employees are now starting to ask human questions about the work they perform. Why am I doing this? What is it for? How can we do it better? Many are choosing to leave their jobs. The competition to attract new talent is growing fiercer than ever."

Learn more through the Future of Work Trends 2022 report by Korn Ferry.

2022 HR Trends Report by McClean & Co. (report - pdf)

2022 HR Trends Report by McClean & Co.

Despite the workplace upheavals of the last two years, perceptions of HR effectiveness have increased. Unfortunately, the gap between how HR and non-HR professionals perceive HR effectiveness remains significant, pointing to a need to improve communications about HR’s role and how it enables organizational success.

Not surprisingly, recruiting remains the top organizational HR priority, and HR respondents plan to spend 25%more time on talent acquisition in 2022.

Learn more through the 2022 HR Trends Report by McClean & Co.

More HR Trends:

HR Trends Report 2022 by AIHR (report)

"HR departments can and should play a crucial role in ensuring that their organizations can transition from surviving to thriving in 2022. But how exactly?"

In this report, founder of AIHR Erik van Vulpen and HR & OD thought leader Dieter Veldsman outline why this is only possible with a proactive and future-proof HR function.

2022 Megatrends by SHRM (webinar)

"As today’s business leaders continue to adjust to regulations, innovations, and dramatically altered employee expectations, it’s clear that future-facing initiatives and strategic solutions are foundational to navigating a complex talent landscape and maximizing workforce potential. In this program, you'll hear what UKG has identified as the most significant workforce trends. You'll get industry-leading research and insights to help your organization proactively implement strategic, meaningful change."

2022 Workplace Trends by Entrepreneur (article)

"While 2021 was the year of recovery, 2022 will be the year of growth. The global pandemic has made organizations worldwide realize the importance of digitization and the application of modern technologies to get the work done. As a result, companies and professionals are ready to enter the new year on a high note and make their ventures prosper with this technological acumen."

What Will Work Look Like in 2022? by WIRED (article)

"WIRED started this Work Smarter column in the hopes of helping you navigate the complex changes happening in the world of work, from hybrid working to diversity and inclusion and even bringing your pandemic pup to the office. So, for the last edition, Nicole Kobie has spoken to industry leaders about what they think will be the trends that shape work in 2022."

Workplace Trends for 2022 by Glassdoor (article)

"Change has been the only constant over the last two years. With that in mind, what can we expect to see in the workplace in 2022? If 2020 was about crisis response amid a global pandemic, 2021 has been about adapting to challenges ranging from employee burnout and remote work to hiring and retention in a job market defined by labor shortages and unprecedented employee turnover."

4 Major HR Trends to Follow in 2022 by ADP (article)

"The new year offers employers of all sizes a chance to reflect on how their organization and teams have adapted to recent unprecedented challenges. It's time to turn that reflection into empowered resolutions; to keep refining and improving what informs decisions and what equips employees to do and be their best. How will the HR function continue to evolve and how can HR teams prepare?"

10 HR Trends for 2022 by HR Trend Institute (article)

"In 2020 and 2021 many organizations have done a remarkable job. Many organizations showed resilience and were able to adapt their work practices to the Covid-19 crisis. Workers at the front showed their creativity and entrepreneurship and in many cases working from home had big advantages. What will happen now? Will we (both organizations and people) slip back in our old habits, or will we show that 2022 and beyond will be a period of real transformation? While society is learning to live with Covid-19, HR teams are considering the opportunities to transform the workplace and shape the future of work."

2022 Workplace Trends by HR Morning (article)

"Another weird year of work almost in the books. What kind of workplace trends can we anticipate in 2022? Things will be different, that’s for sure. Many trends will be carved out of the changes the pandemic forced us all to make. Others will reflect both employers’ and employees’ desire to get back to normal – even if it’s a new normal. Here are the top six workplace trends HR pros will want to prepare for as we turn the calendar year."

5 Workplace Trends for 2022 by Poly (article)

"The chain of reactions set in motion in 2021 will spill over into 2022. We’ve learned to expect and adapt to changes as they occur, and now, professionals across every industry are hungry for better tools and spaces that support agility, empower the individual and provide an equitable experience. These trends will shape the world of work in the coming year and will be natural extensions of the pandemic-induced changes already in motion."

HR Trends in 2022 by Quick Scout (article)

"Within the last few years, the HR industry has seen an unprecedented amount of change: the increased push towards a more diverse workforce, the growth and adoption of artificial intelligence which has impacted how HR professionals get work done, and most recently, the ripple effects of a global pandemic."

25 HR trends for 2022 by Workstars (article)

"What a time it has been for HR professionals. The pandemic has brought about immense upheaval for everyone, and people leaders have been working in overdrive to keep everyone as happy, healthy and productive as possible. And more big changes look to be on the horizon.

So, what are the big trends set to shape the future of work next year and beyond? The Workstars team has been gazing into their crystal balls to see what the hot HR topics of 2022 are likely to be."

5 HR trends you should be paying attention to in 2022 by How Now (article)

"Understatement of the year award incoming, but 2020 and 2021 changed the way we work forever. But like most things in life, it’s how you deal with change, and 2022 is certainly the year HR will have to ride the transformation waves that rippled across the past two years."

HR in 2022: 7 key trends by Human Resources Online (article)

"People analytics will play an important role in buy-ins for HR policies. At the same time, managers will need to be hired, trained, and promoted with the mindset that they do not need to know all the answers."

2022 HR Trends to Watch by Workhuman (article)

"We looked forward with excitement to 2020 – kicking off a new decade of progress and prosperity. That didn’t last long due to the arrival of COVID-19 and the subsequent shutdowns, sickness, and schisms. With the release of the vaccine and easing restrictions, we thought 2021 would bring us relief and a return to normalcy. Unfortunately, new strains of COVID blocked much of that from happening. Now as we look toward 2022, it is hard to know what to expect or to hope for."

HR Trends to Watch in 2022 by HR Exchange Network (article)

"Human Resources leaders are always being asked to look into a crystal ball and predict the future. You probably don’t have any super powers. But your Spidey sense might be telling you that a few trends that are surfacing are likely to stick around through the new year, 2022."

5 emerging HR trends to watch in 2022 by YourStory (article)

"According to recent data – 90 percent of HR executives will keep or grow their IT investments. It is crucial to know the emerging trends that are going to drive the HR sector in 2022 and how they are going to be different than the trends watched out in 2020 – 2021."

Top 10 Future HR Trends 2022 by empxtrack (article)

"Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a paradigm shift in the way we work. The sudden change in the work approach as well as the emergence of new technologies have had a significant impact on the future of work."

Top HR Trends for 2022 by People Matters (article)

"The last couple of years have brought about diverse changes in the HR industry. In fact, the increased push of diversity in organizations, the global pandemic, and working from home have changed the operations of HR. The pandemic has changed the way we work; while 2021 was a year of reinventing HR and solidifying its new role, 2022 is going to be all about pushing the boundaries of how HR can add value."

HR Tech Trends and Predictions for 2022

What will HR technology look like in 2022? by Unleash (article)

What will HR technology look like in 2022?
What will HR technology look like in 2022? by Unleash

"UNLEASH looks ahead by collecting some of their best interviews about the future of HR technology. Why You Should Care? > What are NASA, CCS Insights, and Benefex saying about the future of HR technology?"

Learn more through the What will HR technology look like in 2022? article by Unleash.

2022 HR Tech Related Trends by XREF (article)

2022 HR Tech Related Trends by XREF
2022 HR Tech Related Trends by XREF

"HR tech has passed the tipping point. It's no longer a fringe interest, reserved for Silicon Valley and development companies. A full 50% of HR professionals report data being essential to hiring the right candidates, for instance.

Cutting-edge technology has completely reshaped the way we conduct business in the 21st Century. Of course, tech has a staggering array of applications to assist in recruitment, talent management, learning and development and all HR functions."

Learn more through the 2022 HR Tech Related Trends article by XREF.

7 HR tech trends to look out for in 2022 by PeopleHum (article)

7 HR tech trends to look out for in 2022 by PeopleHum
7 HR tech trends to look out for in 2022 by PeopleHum

"Today, we are witnessing HR tech trends developing rapidly and converging globally leading to a rise in demand for HR softwares for adapting to newer modes of functioning. Despite the line getting blurred between Human Resources and information Technology, each needs to be sensitive to the other’s concerns and needs.

In the future of work and future of HR technology, IT and HR must find a balance of compromise in order to cater to both local and global employees."

Learn more through the 7 HR tech trends to look out for in 2022 article by PeopleHum.

More HR Tech Trends:

4 HR tech trends for HR and People teams to watch in 2022 by Sage (article)

"2021 was an intense one, wasn’t it? Much like 2020, the past year placed a lot of pressure and challenges on HR and People teams. HR leaders’ skills, HR technology and a strong dose of resilience got us through the year. But what role will tech play in HR in 2022?"

6 New HR Technology Trends Going into 2022 by Factorial HR (article)

"The past couple of years were proven to be intense catalysts of change for individuals, families, and for businesses. And with the widespread adoption of remote work, HR technology is of top importance for today’s people teams."

2022 HR Tech Trends You Need to Know by GTM (article)

"As we head toward 2022, it’s time to look at some human resources (HR) technology trends that will be helpful for employers as they look for ways to improve their talent acquisition and employee retention efforts."

Top HR Technology Trends Making Their Way into 2022 by JazzHR (article)

"Human resources and talent management is a constantly evolving business function. And though the roles and responsibilities have changed over time, one thing remains — the core of human resources, recruiting, and training is centered around people.

Despite this fact, the last twenty years turned the way companies approach talent management upside down by introducing technology and automation. So how will these technological advancements, the societal awareness of workplace issues, and the integration of Gen Z into the workplace change talent management?"

7 HR Tech Trends That Will Change Everything in 2022 by Helios HR (article)

"HR technology is evolving at an enormous pace. The past decade has seen enormous changes in HR systems. Meanwhile, new technology has completely reshaped most companies, forcing HR professionals to always be on the lookout for new ways to support, engage, and recruit staff."

Emerging HR Tech: 5 Trends to Watch for in 2022 by Ingeno (article)

"The HR technology landscape has seen rapid changes in the last five years, but the Coronavirus pandemic has emphasized the importance of technology in enabling resilience and preparedness. In addition, COVID-19 has had an effect on every company function, putting HR teams and departments at the forefront and requiring significant changes in employee leadership and experience."

Top 7 HR Trends to Know for 2022 by Tech Funnel (article)

"COVID-19 hurled unprecedented professional challenges, as every blow directly impacted employees, their lives, and the association with the company. Professional changes such as work from home, remote recruitment, and onboarding besides The Great Resignation steered a dramatic shift in the work and management approach."

Top 6 HR Technology trends that could shape workforce dynamics in 2022 by SightsIn Plus (article)

"The workplace scenario has dramatically changed in the last year with HR trends increasingly becoming the accelerator for workforce transformation.

HR leaders were on the frontline of capabilities to address the various internal and external transformative trends, including innovative workforce models and looking after the physical and mental wellbeing of employees."

Talent Acquisition (TA) / Recruiting Trends and Predictions for 2022

10 Key Talent and Leadership Trends for 2022 by SHRM (article)

10 Key Talent and Leadership Trends for 2022
10 Key Talent and Leadership Trends for 2022 by SHRM

"The COVID-19 was the test case that no one wanted. For some time, companies have struggled with a shrinking talent pool, but the global pandemic accelerated this talent shortage to a degree no one could have predicted."

Learn more through the 10 Key Talent and Leadership Trends for 2022 article by SHRM.

5 Talent Acquisition Trends That Will Define 2022 by Lever (article)

Talent Acquisition Trends That Will Define 2022 by Lever

"As each year comes to a close, talent acquisition and recruitment teams worldwide plan their respective strategies for the next 12 months. The top TA teams tackle several critical tasks and address key areas."

Learn more through the 5 Talent Acquisition Trends That Will Define 2022 article by Lever.

More TA Trends:

TA Predictions For 2022 by ML6 (article)

"No one could have predicted the events of the past couple of years. But today, having worked through and learned from the volatile labour market in 2020 and 2021, ML6 are now more confident in what to expect entering 2022."

4 Recruiting Trends to Watch for 2022 by Jobvite (article)

"Each year, Jobvite surveys over 800 recruiters to find out the latest trends in talent acquisition for our Recruiter Nation Report. This year’s survey illustrated how dramatic shifts in the job market – hiring surges, reduced resources, and changes in candidate expectations – have forced recruiters and talent acquisition (TA) professionals to become more agile."

Talent Acquisition and Hiring Trends for 2022 by SightsIn Plus (article)

"The past two years of the COVID-19 pandemic have been quite tough for talent acquisition teams. Its repercussions wreaked havoc on talent managers for announcing lay-offs, managing the remote workforce, and filling up demand for new roles in the digitally-driven world."

How Will the Recruitment Game Change in 2022? by Recruit CRM (article)

"Apart from finding crucial hiring solutions and recruitment factors that will mold 2022 like leadership and culture, recruitment automation, candidate experience and remote work will continue to play a key role."

Most Important Recruitment Trends for 2022 by AmazingHiring (article)

"In just a few years the world has changed so much that it took us a huge effort to accept the new reality and adapt to it. Putting aside everything we have been bearing, it merits saying that things are slowly getting better and to some extent, we have managed to adjust. Yet, the world is not going to stop changing and so are we."

2022 Recruitment Marketing Trends by Symphony Talent (article)

"The past two years have been game-changing in an industry where change is slow and tactful. Therefore to better serve our industry and prepare them for the aftermath, we’ve been doing a lot of listening."

5 trends in recruitment for 2022 by ABL (article)

"The modern office is changing quickly, prompted by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ever-evolving business technologies, so managers are faced with new challenges when it comes to sourcing and recruiting talented individuals within the industry."

Recruiting Trends and Challenges that will shape 2022 by the CSR Journal (article)

"Greek philosopher Socrates was possibly talking about the times we are living in when he said, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

Business enterprises dealing with a world altered by the pandemic are coming to terms with this fact. The old ways of working, hiring, communicating and building companies are being redefined and in some cases discarded."

The Top Ten Recruitment Trends for 2022 by HR Profiling Solutions (article)

"The last two years have drastically impacted the recruitment industry forever! Recruiters are facing severe talent shortages and engaging in talent wars to find and attract candidates."

8 Recruitment Trends We Expect To See More of In 2022 by Talent Works (article)

"The last year has been an interesting one for talent acquisition. We’ve managed to ride through a lot of uncertainty and found ourselves in a recruitment market that has been entirely turned upside down. Therefore, when it comes to identifying trends for the next year, it’s safe to assume that a lot of change is afoot."

Remote Work Trends and Predictions for 2022

10 Companies Offering Location-Agnostic Pay in 2022 by Remotive (article)

10 Companies Offering Location-Agnostic Pay in 2022 by Remotive
10 Companies Offering Location-Agnostic Pay in 2022 by Remotive

"More and more companies are going remote and allowing their employees to work from anywhere in the world. If you are a remote worker looking for a new job, there is something you should consider when you are job hunting. Are there companies that will pay you the same salary no matter where you live?"

Learn more through the 10 Companies Offering Location-Agnostic Pay in 2022 article by Remotive.

More Remote Work Trends:

4 Trends and Challenges of Remote Work That Will Continue Into 2022 by Pluria (article)

"Since the pandemic started, it seems like we have entered a long and winding tunnel with no way out. We’ve moved our office to the living room, we’ve shifted our meetings to Zoom, we’ve turned to new equipment and apps to keep us connected or learned how to communicate asynchronously."

16 Top Remote Work Trends in 2022 by HHT (article)

"Times are always changing, but because remote work is surely here to stay, there is a whole slew of trends that came with it.

Take, just for example, the fact that you can now network with professionals across the country and it’s not considered ‘weird.’ Consider that you can take your job on the road for four weeks, and enjoy fresh mountain air or your friend’s summer home, without taking an entire month off from work?"

Prepare for these 5 work trends in 2022 by AZBM (article)

"While 2021 was the year of recovery, 2022 will be the year of economic growth and new work trends. Companies forced into remote-work arrangements for the past two years are faced with a complicated decision. Should bosses let workers stay at home, bring everyone back to the office or find a happy medium? A recent report by Loom found that 90% of employees, including workers and managers, are happier with their newfound freedom of working from home, suggesting that trend is here to stay, but it’s not."

2022 Remote Work Predictions by APM Digest (article)

"Fully remote work will continue to be adopted permanently as employees prefer workspace customization. Expect to see even more companies embrace fully remote work, and possibly even a backlash against the ones trying to make hybrid models work."

In 2022, four trends will exponentially accelerate remote work by VM Blog (article)

"The pandemic was the catalyst to put the trend of working remotely at warp speed. Most of us were forced to work from home, and we realized we didn't need to be tied to the office to get our work done. So, people started working from anywhere, and everywhere. New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles had high "net loss," meaning more people moved out than moved in."

Though we try hard to assess and predict trends using data from multiple years, it is difficult to accurately depict how things will go, especially with the pandemic still in full force. Despite that, there is still an optimistic view on technological developments, which are happening at a rapid pace. With more and more organizations adopting and making HR Tech and Software an integral part of their people processes, there are opportunities for all.

Check out our HR Buyer Guides before you get that next big HR Software purchase done. Our People Tech Community will help you navigate the challenging waters of HR Tech. Also, if you're looking to take your career to the next level, our PeopleOps Job Board can help you find the perfect role for you. Here's us wishing everyone a prosperous year ahead!

Aswin Raghav Rengarajan
Full-stack digital marketer and content creator
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Aswin has been a full-stack digital marketer and content creator since 2017. He has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from India and a technical certificate in Entrepreneurship from the US as a part of the CCI Program, a fully-funded US Government scholarship. Apart from dabbling with disruptive tech, Aswin manages a nonprofit, co-hosts a podcast, and cheers for Manchester United.

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