PeopleOps Conversion Rates 101

Learn conversion rate optimization for People Operations


What's in this course?

Why would one use conversion rate optimization as a part of People Operations? The short answer is that it’s a powerful tool that can help us understand where to focus our efforts as HR professionals and create more value for our organization. 

This one-hour course covers specific conversion rates within the recruiting funnel, how they impact operations, as well as how they relate to HR metrics and ROI. We’ll also touch on how calculating ROI can help with getting HR projects approved with the necessary budget.   

To begin, you can watch the intro video below to learn more, and then sign up with your email address to access the rest of the content. 

As another glimpse into what you can learn, here are the modules of the course:

  • Conversion Rates 101
  • Conversion Rates in Your Hiring Funnel
  • Conversion Rates ROI
  • People Ops Conversions

This course is part of a larger program that we call People MBA (not an actual MBA, but structured as one). To find out more about this program and get notified whenever a new HR and people analytics course is available, sign up here. 

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